Packing Suggestions
You will want to pack clothing as if you were camping so that you will be comfortable when spending lots of time outside. Make sure to check the weather and pack accordingly. When in doubt bring layers – the weather varies greatly in high mountain valleys from warm during the day to often quite chilly at night. Don’t forget warm sleeping clothes if the weather is projected to be chilly at night.
Pharmaceuticals and Toiletries
Make sure to bring any pharmaceuticals you or your family needs, as well as some sort of head ache medicine and a small first aid kit just in case.
Rustic Rook supplies Shampoo, conditioner and body wash – but if you have special brands you prefer, you may want to bring them along with any creams, lotions, chapsticks etc. you typically use. Rustic Rook will also provide you with a washcloth and a towel – if you prefer a luffa you will want to bring that. Flip flops or sandals are great to use while in the community showers. Ear plugs could be useful if you like to go to sleep early or sleep in after quiet hours are over.
Outdoor Gear
Some typical outdoor essentials include:
mosquito repellant,
hiking boots,
hiking daypack,
water bottle, and an
umbrella. If you plan to go to the dunes water shoes can be great shoes for hiking the dunes. If you are planning on going to a hot springs, don’t forget your bathing suit.
Snacks, Food and Beverages
We have a small selection of snacks/beverages available for purchase including chips, cookies, ice and soda. We also sell Farm to Summit dehydrated meals that are organic and made in Durango Colorado (just add hot water). The closest place to get a larger selection of snacks is at the Pit Stop 4 miles away on HWY 17. They have snacks, ice and non alcoholic beverages. If you are looking to purchase lunch/dinner items or adult beverages the closest stores are in Alamosa around 25 minuets away. For this reason we suggest planning ahead and finding a store on your rout to stock up on snacks and any food items you may want while staying with us. You may purchase lunches and grill packs at Rustic Rook, but you will need to order those in advance (2 days) – we do not have room to keep extra food in stock at camp. The closest restaurants are in Alamosa and at The Great Sand Dunes Oasis (right by the sand dunes). Breakfast and coffee is included in your stay if you are staying in a glamping tent or BYO tent site – we also have a hot water dispenser in the lobby if you wish to bring hot chocolate, cider or tea.

Make sure to plan some down time in between your activities so you can enjoy your beautiful glamping tent and the views and activities at camp. Playing card game and yard games, bicycling, flying kites and reading books are popular glamp ground entertainment sources.
Guest Pictures